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What is whois?

ICANN International Companies, which does the work of registering domains, also maintains and updates domain buyers’ information, if necessary, and makes it available to the public. In fact, maintaining information is also because Domain owners’ ownership of their domain can be proven. Other people can also contact the domain owners they want if they need this information to buy their domain.

In fact, WHOIS is a system that allows us to access the information of those who have registered their domains. This information includes various information related to the webmaster’s domain and personal information, all of which we will mention below.

What can international domain information be displayed in WHOIS?

Email the domain owner

Registrant Org The name of the company that owns the domain
Registrar The name of the domain registration center (representatives of Ikan Institute) in Iran. Most domains are registered in the Real-time register center.
Registrar Status The domain lock status is enabled if it is on clientTransferProhibited, and the domain lock is unlocked if you see OK.
Created date Domain registration date
Expired on the domain expiration date
updated on Last Updated Date
Name Server (s) DNS connected to the domain
IP Address The IP address of its hosting server
IP Location The geographical location of the desired web hosting service
ASN is the name of the ISP network server or a large network, such as the data center name

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The following services are usually non-free:

Whois History Profile change history in whois
IP History The history of changing the IP hosting of the desired domain
Registrar History The history of changing the domain registration center
Hosting History The history of changing web hosting services
Whois Server is usually displayed for the international domains of the server.
Server Type Displays your desired domain webserver.
Response Code The code returned from the server; if it is 200, it will open without any problems.
Registrant Name The name of the domain licensee
Registrant Street Details of the franchisee address, including the street
Registrant City Name of the licensed city
Registrant State / Province Address Details
Registrant Postal Code
Registrant Country is the country that owns the domain
Registrant Phone Management Phone
Registrant Fax Management Fax
Registry Admin ID Domain Manager Profile
Admin Email Domain Manager Email
Registry Tech ID Profile of the domain technical manager
Tech Email Email the technical manager of the domain

What is the national domain information in WHOIS?

remarks: (Domain Holder) The domain name holder name
remarks: (Domain Holder Address) The full address of the domain owner
holder-c Domain Manager ID
admin-c Domain Administrative Interface ID
tech-c Domain Technical ID
Server DNS connected to the domain
last-updated Last update
expire-date Expiry date
E-mail Email of the licensee or technical or administrative officer
Address The full address of the domain licensee and their interfaces
Phone number

How can we access WHOIS information?

To view information about international domains, click here and find the information on your desired domain. Also, to access information about national domains, click here.

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You may not like public access to your information because it is possible for advertising companies to access your email or contact number and regularly send you many advertising messages, causing inconvenience. They will be repeated for you, but you do not need to worry about this because you can register your Spycam domain. At no extra cost, your information will be protected and will not be visible to anyone.
