Flush DNS tutorial
First, we need to know what Flush DNS is and why you should flush DNS.
We use Flush DNS when we need to clear the cached DNS in our system.
When and when do we need Flush DNS? When we have set a new DNS and need the system to use the new DNS.
In this tutorial, we will introduce you to how Flush DNS works in different operating systems.
Windows XP up to 10 Windows servers
In Microsoft Windows, from XP to 10 and Windows servers, Flush DNS is the same.
First,m press Windows Logo + R and type the word cmd in the opened box.
When the command prompt black screen opens, type the following phrase.
ipconfig / flushdns
The cache for your DNS is now cleared, and new DNS can be replaced.
Mac OS
First, we go to the Application Folder.
Then open Utilities and double click on Terminal.
Then type the following phrase in the command prompt
sudo discoveryutil mdnsflushcache; Sudo discoveryutil udnsflushcaches; say flushed
Enter the admin username and password, and you’re done.
Your DNS cache is now completely cleared.
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